I just put my living room curtains in the washer.
They have cat hair on them. Looking at them like that for even
one more minute was more than I could stand. They looked gross.
Saw daughter off to school a few minutes ago.
Tonight is Senior night at the basketball game. The Senior cheerleaders and basketball players will be recognized for their participation. Sons are escorting her across the basketball court when she's introduced.
It will also be her last home game to cheer......ever. I feel a little sad about it.........same as when son played his last baseball game,,,,,
I'm hoping to get lots of pictures.
Work is going well, I suppose.
I like my new assignment better than my last one.......
Hopefully I wont burn out for awhile.
I still enjoy reading some of the blogs that I follow.
Especially when I know people are writing from the heart.
I dislike when people sell stuff on their blogs.
We're bombarded by people selling crap on tv and radio. Does it have to be that way with blogs?
I don't enjoy writing in my blog anymore.
I'm not sure why.
I've had a million realtors call and send mail asking to list my house.
I ignore their calls and throw away the mail.
I went sofa shopping the other day.
A salesman introduced his self. I told him I was going to buy a sofa, and would come get him when I found the sofa I wanted to buy. I asked to be left alone until I found the sofa I wanted.
He followed me throughout the store......stalked me really. Everywhere I went, there he was. I hated it. So I left.
I went shopping yesterday at another place for a sofa. I told the sales lady I wanted to buy a sofa and would call her if I found what I wanted. She gave me her card, and let me be. I didn't find what I wanted but plan on going back to have another look.
I need to file my taxes, plan something for boyfriends birthday, start planning daughters graduation party, put together a K-12 scrapbook for daughter for graduation, go prom dress shopping, and make a decision about a car for daughter. I also have to help daughter make a decision concerning higher education............and then figure out the money part of it all........we don't do student loans..( I don't want her starting out in debt).......she doesn't qualify for grants...........scholarships aren't part of the picture....................I'm pretty sure I've saved enough. The plan is for her to work 4 days a week, and go to school part time......at least initially.....................and then we'll take it from there.......
Today I need to do a few things around the house, run to the bank, and get flowers for daughter for this evening.
I went to have a cigarette while at work the other day.
A co-worker pointed out how I was sinning.
She frequently quotes the bible, and is quick to point out to others their sins.
My first instinct was to point out how she' s shacking up with some dude and has a few illegitimate children. (even though I think all children are legitimate)........I didn't though. What she said irritated me......as I'm sure was her intent.........................................................I let it go.......
She's misguided.