Saturday, January 30, 2016


The sump pump guy cancelled.
I didn't reschedule. Oldest son said he'd put in the new pump.
 I should save a bunch of money having son do it!

Boyfriends latest PET Scan came back clean! They will do another scan in 3 months,
Boyfriend cried when we got the news. Made my heart ache for him even though I was happy!

I took boyfriend to the casino over in Indiana a couple of nights ago. We go a couple of times a year.................and we needed to get out of this house. We're both going stir crazy! So
we went to the buffet at the casino for dinner. I usually don't like buffet's. I usually don't like the casino buffet. But I really enjoyed it this time. Maybe because I was so desperate to be away from the house? Anyway, I had the prime rib and thought it was delicious! Boyfriend had chicken and fish. He said it was OK!
Boyfriend was able to walk from the car all the way to the casino. It's a pretty long walk if you're sick. So I was happy to see him be able to do it!
 At the end of the night I had to take him via wheelchair back to the car. He was just too weak to repeat the walk. He will get there though..... It's just going to take time!
 It was a fun night! We lost more than we won but it was worth it! It felt so good to get out of the house!
It felt good to see boyfriend enjoying himself!

Sunday, January 24, 2016


I've been making a fairy house for my daughter's boyfriends' daughter. She's an adorable little smart too.
So I have this area under my side porch ......a space of maybe 3x4 feet.........I thought it would be the perfect place for a fairy house and it's yard. It's fun working on it!
I probably wont show it to her until spring. I can't wait!

I've noticed the past few days that the cyst on my eye is getting smaller. Today you can barely see it. It's been there for about 9 months ..............and now it's going away maybe..

I'm having a new sump pump put in tomorrow. The one I have is the same one that was here when I bought this house 25 years ago. I noticed a few months ago that I wasn't hearing it kick on........I tried to fix it myself but couldn't figure it out.The company that originally installed it is coming to replace it. They seemed surprised that it's been working for all of these years...

When we put the new driveway in 20 or so years ago I buried a time capsule beneath it. The only thing I remember putting in the capsule is a picture of the kids and a little note about our family. I don't know what else is in it. For some reason having them come to replace the sump pump got me to thinking about the time capsule. I hope I never have to replace the driveway, on the other hand I'd like to get at look at what we buried!

Friday, January 22, 2016


We're expecting 0-10 inches of snow today!

Boyfriend bought Domino's and Checkers so we'd have something to do
in case we get snowed in!

We went to the hosp. yesterday.
Boyfriend was scheduled for a PET Scan. So they did a nose to knees scan.
I think and I am praying that the scan will come back clear!
Then I have a routine check up with my doctor on the 1st, minor eyeish surgery on the 8th, and my dad is having a heart surgery on the 3rd. So we're thinking we will take off to a sunny place with an ocean come this Feb. 12th! The sun and the ocean will be so good for boyfriend!
You have no idea how much we are looking forward to it!

I'm reading Presumed Guilty
Casey Anthony: The Inside Story
It's interesting.   Jose Baez does a good job
defending Casey, and the DA I think did an equally crummy job of prosecuting her. I can see how the jury
returned a not guilty verdict.
 I personally think she got away with murder.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Former BFF Work friend text me on Christmas Eve asking for 3 thousand dollars "cash, today."
I was surprised to hear from her.
She didn't call after boyfriend had his surgery or in the weeks that followed.
I had text her a few times during that time to check and see how things were going with her. No calls from her.
So it surprised me to hear from her. Even more so that she was calling for money.
I talked about it to boyfriend.
I wanted to do the right thing.
In the end I decided I'm not loaning money anymore, unless it's to my children........and they have never asked.
I told her no and I feel relieved.

I just shaved boyfriends head.
He didn't lose all of his hair to chemo ( not that he had much to start with) but it did get really thin. Especially his mustache. He looks like a 14 year old who is trying to grow face hair. So anyway, I just shaved his head and trimmed his eyebrows.  :O) I like his shaved head!

I think we're sticking close to home today. Boyfriend has an appointment with the oncologist and is then coming home. I'm not going to the appointment. I'm going to stay home and put on a pot of beef stew for supper and do a few chores around the house.

We ran to the store yesterday for salt for the snow expected tomorrow. I'm hoping we don't get slammed because my car is due at the dealer for recall I worry about my family out there on the road when the weather is bad.

The rest of today, after chores are out of the way I'm going to work on a painting

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


They ended up transfusing boyfriend Monday..
He looks a little better.....has a little color to his cheeks.......and his breathing is a little better!

I spent yesterday cleaning the house and doing laundry. Feels good to have it finished.

The 1.5 billion dollar lottery will be won by somebody today,  probably.
The odds are against us winning but I'm taking the chance! I bought 3 tickets.
I'll share my tickets with boyfriend, his children and mine, my dad (if he wants the headache), sisters and boyfriends brother and sister.
I'd rather see a factory full of workers win this lottery than just 1 person.

Friday, January 08, 2016


So I asked to be and was excused from jury duty yesterday.
I waited to see if I'd be picked for the grand jury before asking to be excused.
They said those picked for the grand jury would have to report every Thursday from 8-12 for 3 months. I though that would be manageable. But I wasn't picked and so I asked to be excused.
I'm looking forward to the day I get to serve.

Boyfriend quit chemotherapy.
It's  killing him and he can feel it.
The oncologist was supportive.
Boyfriend feels relieved. So do I.
Right now his blood count is so low that he is short of breath and feels exhausted. He's so pale he looks like a walking mannequin.
The doctor decided to not transfuse him since boyfriend did not take chemo. So I hope
his counts go up quickly.
Makes me sad to see him like this.......................he asked me yesterday to pack up and take him to the that's where we will be going as soon as his blood counts are better and as soon as we have a few weeks between doctor appointments!

I finally went to the surgeon for my eye cyst yesterday.
 He's going to remove the cyst, create some sort of skin flap so that it heals without causing a  deformity of my eyelid.....................he said the surgery would only take 10 or 15 minutes.........not a big deal..............I just want to get it out of the way......I want all the doctor appointments to go away. I  just want time off from doctors and medical facilities and sickness........................pretty soon that will happen........just need to hang in a little longer!

Friday, January 01, 2016


My neighbor who lives across the street and who is the same age as boyfriend, was diagnosed with lung cancer around the same time as boyfriend. But unlike boyfriend, his had spread to some lymph nods and to his intestine  and he was not a candidate for surgery. They've been treating him with chemo and radiation.
 Him and boyfriend talked to each other about biopsies, CT scans, chemo, radiation and such. They shared "war stories."
 They have been a great support to each other.
A couple weeks ago neighbor was hospitalized with blood clots in his lung. His mom stopped over to talk to boyfriend and I, to let us know neighbor was in the hospital in the ICU on a respirator. We hoped and we prayed that he would be OK........and even though I knew how sick he was I kept expecting him to get better and come home.
 Sadly he passed away day before yesterday.
It's sad how fast this crap can take your life. It shows no mercy!
I hate it.