Boyfriend is still at the care center.
It's been a roller coaster of a time.
For the first week they falsified his record by claiming to weigh him
daily per doctors order due to swelling.
He said they weren't weighing him.
When I asked the nurse she assured me he was being weighed, even read to me the daily weights.
Several minutes later she came to boyfriends room and reported that he had not been weighed ever while there.....they lied.
I'm not sure why she decided to come clean.
Needless to say my trust in his immediate staff is gone. I was furious............
Right now boyfriend has pneumonia.
He feels pretty terrible........tired, short of breath............looks like crap..........
I'm hoping today he will feel a little or a whole lot better after a couple days of antibiotics.
Yesterday I took him to the eye doctor. His left eye remains surgically shut.
We had stopped his eye med, a steroid back in December. When the med was almost out we called the pharmacy to have it refilled, there were no refills, so the pharmacy called the doctor for a refill which is how they always proceed............the eye doctor, the head of the eye institute said no more refills...................this guy has examined boyfriend we didn't question his order. We figured he reviewed boyfriends chart and made the decision to discontinue the steroid for his eye. They had been lowering the dose over the past several months.
Yesterday we were informed the pharmacy never called them, the med should not have been canceled, and boyfriends eye was severely swollen again.
I was pissed beyond words, boyfriend cried. I cried. He was so looking forward to having his eye clipped open............we have to wait now for a couple more months.
The good thing is a new medication came out in Jan. In a nut shell it rejuvenates (not sure if that's the right word) nerves in the eye that have been destroyed as boyfriends were from the shingles virus. We are so grateful for this new medication....
I know all I talk about is's what's going's a huge part of our life right now................................we talk about better days we hope are coming............we plan trips we hope to take soon..............on the way back to the center yesterday after the eye appointment we stopped by our after the last appointment. Woody our cat got into the car again to visit was sweet.......made boyfriend smile.
Yesterday I decided to purge my bedroom closet and the dresser drawers.
I threw away/or donated 5 purses and 9 pair of shoes, dozens of books and 4 prescription pair of glasses. I had 3 bags of garbage/old clothes to throw away and I have a huge pile of clothes in my hallway that I will donate.
I cleaned all of boyfriends drawers too. All that's left to clean is my dresser. It feels good. Makes my chest, my brain feel lighter already!