Wednesday, July 31, 2019


So I got the baseboards in the living room, master bedroom, and hallway cleaned. I also took all the giant garbage bags from upstairs out to the curb for the garbage man.
This morning I went to the new house with a load of stuff, put it away and then hung pictures. I also tried out the wheelchair ramps. They're the perfect fit!
I ordered some other equipment today that boyfriend will need.........I called a couple of roofers, and I talked to the floor guy.
This evening I packed my car with another load........almost everything has been moved except for tools and yard equipment.
I do still have a lot of furniture, TVs and computer stuff to throw away.
Does it take everyone this long to move?
I'll never do it again!
The insurance company just approved boyfriend for 10 more days at the rehab hospital. I'm so thankful they did.
Tomorrow he will have an MRI of his thumb. He has a burn on it and the doctor wants to make sure the bone isn't infected. (I can't even play the what if game right now)........
Hopefully in ten days I will have both houses ready! One to sell, and one to move in to!

Monday, July 29, 2019


Yesterday son changed the guts of all my electrical outlets at the new house and put new face plates over them. He also changed the locks!
Both sons brought my new sofa and desk home to the new house.
The place is almost starting to feel like a home.

I took dinner to boyfriend day before yesterday.
He's tired of hospital food.
I brought him some BBQ. He loved it! We ate outside in the courtyard. It was a sunny and pretty day. It was nice having a meal together & boyfriend loved being outside.
We went for a walk together.
We got to the car and talked about how he might transfer from the w/c to the car.
Finally we just tried it. He easily transferred into the car. He was so happy about it that he became tearful. It's been keeping him up at night thinking he wouldn't be able to do it. Now he can relax!

Today the w/c ramps arrived. They're on my front porch. I will take them to the new house this evening. Crossing my fingers that they are the right size!

Today I've been cleaning windows and baseboards at the old house. The baseboards sure are dirty! The windows are not so bad. My goal is to get all of the first floor windows and baseboards clean today and I also have like nine 55 gallon garbage bags on the second floor that I need to take down to the driveway for garbage day for tomorrow.
It's coming along slowly maybe, but I'm getting there!

Friday, July 26, 2019


I was unloading my car while at the new house yesterday. A man carrying a rose bush rounded the street corner. He looked at me and said "don't worry about it! It's MY rose bush."
Dirt was falling from the roots of the bush as the man walked. He was red faced, sweaty, and dirty from digging.
I said to him " Your rose bush is pretty." When I first saw him I thought he was taking the bush to plant in his back yard. I quickly realized he was taking the bush to some place else. " I might be homeless, and the bank might be able to take my house, but they can't have my rose bush!" He cut through the school yard and headed to the highway.
No doubt he was having a really bad day.
I felt for him. Life sucks some of the time.
I'm glad he got his rose bush.
Victory for him!
 I just hope he has a place to plant it, being that he's homeless and all.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


I'm still packing stuff and taking it to the new house.
It never seems to end!
I'm not staying the night there until son changes the front lock. The side door has a key-less lock. I really like it.
I love that the new house has so much sunlight from the big windows, and even though it's a small house it has way more storage than the old house. I'm loving it.

Today I ordered the ramp for the side door so that boyfriend can get into the house.
I have the carpet guy coming to the old house this afternoon to measure for new flooring.
I took a couple of loads of stuff to the new house and put it away. Yesterday I got all the stuff that the movers moved put away, and I got the boxes to the garage. I also cut the lawn at the new place, pulled weeds, and trimmed some hedges.

They transferred boyfriend to the rehab hospital late yesterday afternoon.
So far I'm very impressed. It gives me hope, and it makes me happy for boyfriend
knowing he is getting great care.

When I feel overwhelmed I go outside. That seems to help me for some reason. We will get there. One thing at a time.

I lost 7 more pounds for a total of 20.
I'm trying to eat healthier.
It feels good.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


It's been a very busy past few days.
Work went well but the 12 hour shift is too long.
After work I did  more packing. Then yesterday I got
up at 4 AM and packed boxes until I used them all up. The movers were here at 8AM and had
me moved by 11 AM.
My sister came over and she helped me do some cleaning around the new house. I also did some unpacking.
Yesterday evening I went to the hospital to see boyfriend.
I helped him with a bath..
He doesn't look good to me.
We're still waiting on approval from the insurance company to send him to the rehab facility.
He's home sick.....................and sick of being in the hosp. I miss having him at home.

I met a new neighbor yesterday.
She's an older (maybe 70) woman, who seems to be very pleasant.

Went to the hospital this morning. I brought clean clothes for in case boyfriend is discharged.
I gave him a shave, and we talked. Mostly we talked about his son that past away last year. He's been very tearful lately re his deceased son. It's been an incredibly difficult time for boyfriend. It is so sad...I wish I could change it...

I worked at the new house until 9 PM. There's so much to do there and here, and at the hospital. I'm trying to just move forward, to get stuff done.......

Saturday, July 20, 2019


I work this weekend.
I signed up for only 6 hours today, 12 hours tomorrow. I didn't work last month so signed up for 2 days this month.
Six hours was a breeze even though it was busy. After work today I came home and did more packing.
I have a problem with throwing things away. The problem is I want to hang on to everything.
I still have my adult childrens' baby teeth. I don't have the heart to throw away their report cards, or trophies, or old Nina Turtle t-shirts as a small example..........and most of the paper stuff isn't organized. It's packed in storage containers from wally world.........and most of it is a disorganized mess.
I've thrown away lots of stuff so far but some things I just can't part with. :O) I'm working on it though!
I will organize it.

Boyfriend is still in the hospital.
I miss him being home.

Friday, July 19, 2019


I have about 3/4 of the house packed and ready to move.
My roof is leaking.
Son patched it last evening.
I have a call out to a couple of roofers for an estimate.
I have painters coming to the new house Saturday and Sunday to paint.
And I decided to call movers to help me to move.
They will move me this Monday. I feel a little less overwhelmed.
Boyfriend is still in the hospital.
The plan is to move him to a short term stay rehab facility. It's supposed to be
a pretty great place. We're just waiting for approval from the insurance company.
My plan is to get moved to the new house then prepare this house for sale, and to get the roof fixed/replaced.
Kitties will be the last to move to the new house. I'll move them after I'm totally moved in......

Little Boy has been helping me pack, and clean out the junk!

Everyone needs a break, right?

A turkey walking down the street. lol

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


I closed on the house yesterday.
Everything went as planned.
I called to put the utilities in my name.
For the gas and electric, no problem.
The water company says I have to download an application then bring it to
their office. I explained that I already have an account and have had one for years and years.
Doesn't matter said she the evil, angry, resentful, miserable water company woman.
So I fought with my computer and printer for an hour trying to get the damned application printed.
At one point I felt like the most incompetent, loser there has ever been. Eventually after some cursing and self-deprecation I got the darn thing printed.
Then I headed up to the new house.
There was a card from the seller wishing me lots of great times in my new home.
I tried to send her a text thanking her but my phone died while I was typing. I worried she must think I didn't appreciate her note even though I did! (sent the text later)
So went about checking the house.
While in the living room noticed a puddle of water. I couldn't figure out right away
where it was coming from.
Finally figured it was a minute leak from the glass pane in the front door.................and then I went from room to room and noticed anything and everything that was wrong with the house and I wanted to sit down and cry.
Why didn't I see it when I bought it and how can I get this house in order before boyfriend comes home, and how can I get the other house ready to sell.
 I feel in over my head.

Monday, July 15, 2019


I close on the house today.
I'm nervous about it.
I hope I'm making the right decision.
I hope my house will sell quickly.
I hope boyfriend likes the new house. He was in the hospital
and didn't have the chance to see it other than the outside
of it.
My dad tells me I overpaid.
I don't think I did.
As a matter a fact, I think it was priced fairly.

So the plan is to head to the bank when they open and then
head up to my insurance company and take care of insuring the new house. Then I'll head to the
title company to close.

Yesterday my sister came over.
I still had 4 large bags of my moms clothes.
I didn't have the heart at the time to part with them.
So my sister went through them with me. She took what she wanted and we packed the
rest up to give to Goodwill. She's dropping them off for me. I appreciate it. It's a huge help!

She also helped me take multiple bags and boxes of stuff to the curb for the garbage man.
I still have a million things around here to pack but my house is loaded with packed boxes.
I'll start taking them today to the new house.

The chimney guy said he likes my new little city that it reminds him of Mayberry, lol.
The fire station is right down the street, and the Catholic church is right up the street. The church bells are nice to listen to for me. The church I attended as a child is right down the street from the new house as is a grade school . There'a a block party there this weekend. Maybe after work Saturday I'll walk down and check it out.

Boyfriend had his second surgery and is doing well.
He's a little home sick though.
I'm thinking he will be discharged in a day or three and then go to a facility for rehab. It will be at least 5 or 6 weeks before he gets a prosthetic leg. That's assuming the incision heals without complications.
So far it looks good.
He should come home in a few weeks.
He misses the kitties.

Daughter is doing OK. She's bruised and sore. I'm grateful she's OK. She's using my car until she gets a rental. Last time she used it she was rear ended and it had over 5000 in damage.
Hopefully it comes back in one piece this time!

I did not have to work this past weekend. I was confused about my schedule. I do however work this coming weekend, 6 hours Sat and 12 hours Sun.
When I do go back to work full time, I will not go back to nursing I don't think.
I love nursing, really I do even though I complain about it. But I just don't want to work with that kind of stress anymore.

The every 2 hour eye drops that boyfriend has been on for 8 weeks is now complete. It felt like our alarm was going off all day reminding us to give the drops. Even at the hospital I was giving most of them. I'm glad to have it done!

I'm sitting on my bed. My cat Woody is on his hind legs with his front legs on my shoulder. He's rubbing his head against my neck and head. His purring is tickling my ear. lol He's so freaking cute!

Saturday, July 13, 2019


I'm up again this morning at 4 AM. It's become my MO.
Surgery was yesterday. As they were taking boyfriend to the surgical hold area daughter called. She was crying. Some guy ran a red light and  T-Boned her while she was on her way to work. They took her via a life squad to the ER. She had a laceration to the top of her head, a bruised knee, and Whip lash. Nothing too serious......she was scared and shaken up...............I felt torn between her and boyfriend.....of course it was impossible for me to be in two places at once even though I really wanted to be......thankfully middle son was able to go to the other hospital to check on daughter.
Everything went OK in surgery except for some breathing difficulties. They gave him some breathing treatments and steroids which eventually helped.
It was a very long and stressful day yesterday.
It seems everything needed my attention all at once.
The broker working on the new house sale was calling, and I had to make calls to the insurance company, and bank while dealing with all the other stuff. And of course I was wondering to myself how I was ever going to get moved to the new house and prepare my house to sell.
Today is a new day.
I'm going to head up the hospital to check on boyfriend, help him with a bath, and take the eye drops to him..............................................if everything is OK there I'll run over to check on sister bear (daughter). Then I'll go home and start packing.
It's all going to be OK.

Friday, July 12, 2019


Boyfriends second surgery is this morning.
He says he's not worried or afraid.
I'm going to dress in a few minutes and head up to the hospital.

I close on the house Monday.
A little nervous about the whole thing.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


It's been busy around here.
Today i'm having the chimney on the new house inspected and
i'm meeting with the owner to go over the list of other things from
the inspection with him.
but first i have to go to the hospital.
i take a new vial of eye drops there everyday, the days doses are kept in a cooler
in his room. i give them during the time i'm there. they give them the other times.
they're too expensive to take more than a days worth to the hospital at a time.
we don't have a date yet for boyfriends next surgery. the surgeon said it will probably
be the end of this week or beginning of next.
i signed up to work this weekend. i signed up before boyfriend was in the hospital, and before i bought the house. i wish i hadn't. it feels overwhelming. i feel like i need to be in multiple places at once.
it's going to be a struggle for awhile but it won't last forever.

Saturday, July 06, 2019


I'm up every morning lately by 3:30 or 4.
The thoughts start coming and it's impossible to
go back to sleep.
I wonder if I'm making a mistake buying
the house.
Is it priced right?
The bathroom location isn't great.
Is the angle of the porch going
to be right for boyfriend to maneuver
a w/c? Am I going to be able to take care of him?
Will I get used to not having as private
a backyard as I have now? Will my cats end up lost
in a new neighborhood?
Will my house sell? When a potential buyer
has it inspected will they find major problems?
These and other thoughts run through my head.

The good news is that I had the new home inspected yesterday.
The guys says the house is in really good shape.
Did I mention it's 110 years old? Did I mention it's a shotgun house? It has a white picket fence! lol I kid you not!
I like the family selling the house. They're really nice people
I think. He had measured the doorway for me for the correct ramp size.
I didn't ask him to measure it. He just did. Some people are just good.

I'm gonna shower and get to the hospital early. I'd like to get home earlier than usual
so that I can get more work done in the garage and basement.
Everything will work out.

Thursday, July 04, 2019


when I came home the day before yesterday from the hospital I went straight to the basement and began throwing away stuff. I only worked on it for 4 hours but I did manage to get many bags and boxes full of crap to toss.
How I'll ever get all of this house packed is beyond me.

they amputated boyfriends foot yesterday. they will do another surgery in about a week where they will amputate the rest of the leg from the knee down. the doctor wanted to allow for swelling to reduce before doing the rest of the leg so that the incision would have a better chance of healing. boyfriend isn't ready to look at it.
i hate that all of this is happening but i do believe boyfriend will finally start to get stronger and feel better physically.

the new house is one level and one step entry.
hopefully we will close next week or soon after and i can get moved in
before boyfriend is discharged from the hospital/rehab.
it dawned on me yesterday that boyfriend will never ever be back at this house. it's sad to me. but i know that things are going to get better.

Monday, July 01, 2019


for a few months i've been checking a neighborhood, actually a specific street that i love, almost daily hoping to find a house listed for sale . i don't have a smart phone so i can't get alerts.  i thought if i drove on the street everyday i'd catch the listing on the first day it was listed and i'd have a chance at getting it. and one day i saw a man putting a for sale sign up. i stopped to talk to him. he said it wouldn't be ready to show for at least a few weeks. he said he was putting the sign up because with the church festival up the street there would be people passing by and he wanted to see if he could generate some interest in the house. we exchanged numbers and i asked if i could be the first to see it. he agreed. said he would call me when the house was ready.........and he did. he called me this past weekend......................i made an offer. they accepted my offer........and that's all she wrote!...........................and then when i got home from doing a contract on the house i called an ambulance for boyfriend to be taken to the hospital.
i've been trying to get him to go for about a week...........finally got to the point where he was too weak to walk..........then he agreed to he was admitted and that's where i spent last night...................................................i feel very overwhelmed..........................but it will be ok......and...........things will get better.................